About This Blog

To celebrate my 40th birthday in April and the fact that I'm actually able to celebrate my 40th birthday in spite of having had three open-heart surgeries to correct Tetralogy of Fallot,I'm running a 5K this year. I wanted a way to share that journey and possibly encourage others. Hopefully other Adults with Congenital Heart Defects or parents with children with Heart Defects will see this as encouragement that a diagnosis of a Congenital Heart Defect is not the end of the road but just the beginning. Also, I've hit some roadblocks along the way and it's time for some accountability. It's time to get off my but's.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm seriously going to do this.  I WANT to run.  I do.  But I don't think my goal of running a full 5K by my birthday is realistic.

First of all, It's 14 weeks away and I just missed a full week of walking/running because of circumstances beyond my control.  And I'm up to 97 seconds of jogging in 20 minutes of walking.  I'm making progress.  My first time was 54 seconds.  But it's going to take me several months to get built up.  So there is no way I'm going to be able to run a full 5K for my birthday in April.

So I've been wavering back and forth between going ahead and participating and just running what I can, because it is a Fun Run/Walk and it would still be a step in the right direction or not doing it at all and finding one later in the summer, like competing in a 5K for my 16th sobriety birthday in August.  But not doing it at all is a cop out.  One that I will not let myself take. 

So I just realized what I need to do....Set the goal of competing in the Master the Mountain for my 40th birthday and running as much of it as I'm ready to and then running a full 5K to celebrate my 16th sober birthday.

I feel better already.

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